Process is Power

October 29, 2024

A process is the foundation of any team. It's not just a set of rules; it's the guide rails that keep us moving in sync, step-by-step - like having a map when the path isn't clear. Piece by piece, it creates a steady rhythm, a system that can handle the chaos.

I'm a fan of processes, of patterns. They give me a routine. They bring order to the unknown, a way forward without constant overthinking. In those moments, it's just us and the map. A sharp eye can see where things can improve, and a passionate one will implement. So the process evolves, not because it's flawed but because it's alive. Even teams that claim they don't have a "process" end up following some kind of structure - patterns emerge naturally.

It's okay if there's no formal process in place, but when things scale, when decisions grow more complex, that's when a solid process becomes non-negotiable.

Don't fall into the limitation trap. A good process doesn't limit you, it just keeps you grounded.