A word about presentations

October 1, 2024

Think back on your career. How many presentations do you genuinely remember? Not the speaker, but the slides themselves. Maybe one or two out of dozen? Maybe they weren't remarkable enough.

I was never a fan of presentations, but I had to attend hundreds of them; most have faded from memory. They're cluttered with long paragraphs and graphs - too much information. If a presentation is available, I'll save it for later and read it on my own. If the person who helds the presentation doesn't connect with me (the audience) FAST, the presentation will be a waste of time.

Tighten your message - be clear and concise. Resume your entire slide of 5 bullet points into a single headline word. Learn how to make me curious about that topic. After a while, you can share a subtitle brimming with insights that deepen the conversation.

Spark curiosity. Keep it simple. Make me want to know more.